Thursday, May 17, 2012

Obsidian - by Jennifer Armentrout

Ive had Obsidian on my Kindle for awhile but had so many books lined up to read that it took me some time to get to it. Well shame on me!!! I only hurt myself by waiting to read such a great book and I am truly happy to say that I can already go out and get the previous book in the series Shadows which I am going to get as soon as I have book money again:)

Katy is just a normal teenager who was forced to move to new town. Not that she would throw a fit at her mom and she understood why but it was a pain all the same to move. So when she meets her jerkface next door neighbor whom she was just asking directions from she figures her book blog might just be about the best thing for her here. As it turns out she couldnt be wrong. The jerkface has a wonderful sister who is just abotu everything you could want in a friend.

So with Katy and Dee spending time together Jerkface AKA Daemon also comes around but not for any reason other than to tell Katy to go away. His pushy, rude and outright mean manner are enough to make anyone want to stay away but not Katy, Dee was worth Daemons crap. The odd thing was that it wasnt just Daemon the whole town was just weird and with Daemons ex Ash's intro he went from being grade A jerkface to outright Asshat going so far as to embarrass Katy in front of the cafeteria. But that seemed to be Dee's trigger. She would get Daemon to be nice even if she had to hide his car key and force and him to spend tiem with Katy to do it.

The real question was if it was such a good idea that Katy and Daemon get closer?

I absolutely LOVED this book it was really fun and interesting to read. I cannot wait to get my hands on the first book and lucky for me the third is about to be released in Aug. One of the coolest things I can tell you all about right now is the #DaemonInvasion. So for anyone who doesnt know about the #DaemonInvasion let me give you some info. Jennifer Armentrout and the models for books in the LUX series will be traveling around doing book signings. That's right the AUTHOR AND THE MODELS!!! The tour will kick off in Georgia on June 8th. For anyone interested there is a Lux Series tumblr account that you can follow here: it will give you all the latest and greatest info. So what are you waiting for...prepare to be Invaded:)

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